Other than missing images, this pages is pretty much EVERY Web site!

Folks, you already know that you get a little traffic to your site. Your pages were most likely written just like this page...overly basic and...yawn....zzzzzzz- truly boring.

You already know you've spent thousands on SEO, which has done little to nothing. Not because it can't, but because it was not applied correctly. Add to that the fact that google is basically ignoring SEO unless your pages include "Buyer's Joruney SEO" pages. So your SEO is of no value - regarless of how much you spent.

But today, in 2024 and beyond, what you need in your page content is - engagement - intrigue - emotional excitement. Why? Because that's what google wants to find in every one of your pages! If you don't have that you'll never get ranked, convert your traffic, or have reason to keep your Web site.

This page is a "prime" exmple of what you usually find in most Web site pages. It's boring, lackluster, but it does have a message...somewhere.

So how in the fluff can you get your copy interesting? You're not a copywriter! And it's truly expensive to have someone who "is" a copywriter create your content. Even worse, "I" can create articles far superior to what any copywriter would create. That means you won't spend a fortune having your pages written. What you will get are pages that attract, engage, convert and conform to what google mandates for every Web site.

You don't even want to continue reading this page! You want to get right to the part about "how much" and "how long". Right?

HERE is how your pages should be written!

...if you are ready...buy now 2